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Booth Size: 20' x 20' Islands
RENTAL: Modified RE-9194 Island
Design with (1) 4' x 8' Double-Sided Lightbox, (1) 4' x 10'
Double-Sided Lightbox, (1) 4' x 12' Double-Sided Lightbox, (6)
Large Monitor Mounts, (6) 55" Monitors, RE-1587 Backlit
Reception Counter, (3) RE-1567 Backlit
Counters, and SEG Fabric Graphics
Booth Size: 20' x 20' Islands
Modified ECO-4100
Sustainable Island Exhibit with 16 ft. Gravitee Tower, Locking
Closet, Wood Canopy with LED Puck Lights, (4) Monitor Mounts, (2)
Towers with Storage Cabinets, and ECO-42C Reception
Counter with Storage and Backlit Graphic. Reconfigures to ECO-2056
Inline with Backlit Fabric Graphics [ORD-66206]
Booth Size: 20' x 20' Islands
RENTAL: Gravitee Panel System Storage Tower at 8 ft. Wide x 16
ft. High, with Front & Back Lightboxes with (2) Large Monitor
Mounts and (2) 70" Monitors, (3) 8 ft. Wide x 8 ft. High
Double-Sided Presentation Backwalls, (12) LED Arm Lights, (12)
White Laminated Counters with Recessed LED/RGB Lighting, RE-1587 Counter,
(3) RE-1243
Rotating iPad Counter Stands, RE-1576 White
Laminated Counter with Recessed LED/RGB Lighting, SEG Fabric
Graphics, and Vinyl Applied Graphics
Booth Size: 20' x 20' Islands
Conversion to Modified ECO-4100
Island with Aero Circular Header, Gravitee Tower, Storage Counters,
Monitor Mounts, Lightbox, ECO-42C Counter, and
Reception Counter [59949]
Booth Size: 20' x 20' Islands
RENTAL: Modified RE-9066 Island
Design with 5 ft Wide x 12 ft High Double-Sided Lightbox, (2) 4 ft
Wide x 8 ft High Double-Sided Lightboxes, (2) Curved Extrusion
Bridged Headers, Shortened for Smaller Booth Space, (1) Large
Monitor Mount, RE-1587
Reception Counter, RE-704 Charging
Station, 60 inch Monitor, and SEG Backlit Fabric Graphics
Booth Size: 20' x 20' Islands
ecoSmart Sustainable Island with Backlit Fabric Graphics, Monitor
Mount, ECO-42C
Reception Counter with Locking Storage, and Curved Headers
Booth Size: 20' x 20' Islands
Modified ECO-4094
Sustainable Island with LED Backlit Fabric Graphics, Locking
Closet, Double-sided Lightboxes with Shelves or Roller Bars, Curved
Headers, Monitor Mount, and ECO-42C Backlit Counter
with Storage [59086]
Booth Size: 20' x 20' Islands
Sustainable Island Exhibit with Curved Canopies, Backlit
Lightboxes, Tower with Closet Storage, Multiple Monitor Mounts,
ECO-8C Podium, ECO-42C Reception
Counter, and Locking Storage. Reconfigures to 10 x 10 and 10 x 20
designs [58432]
Booth Size: 20' x 30' Islands
RENTAL: Peninsula Design, Includes 20 ft. Wide x 8 ft. High
Gravitee System Storage Room with (2) Locking Doors, Large Monitor
Mount, 75 inch Monitor, RE-1207 Large Rectangular Counter with
Black Laminated Top, (4) LED Arm Lights, RE-1587 Backlit
Reception Counter with Frosted Acrylic Stand-Off Top, Double-Sided
Gravitee System Kiosk with (2) Large Monitor Mounts, and RE-1576 White
Laminated Workstation Counter, SEG Fabric Graphics, and Direct
Sintra Printed Cladded Graphics for RE-1207
Booth Size: 20' x 20' Islands
Modified ECO-4094
Island Exhibit with Backlit Towers, Monitor Mount, and ECO-42C Backlit Counter
with Storage. Note Re-configurable Options [58402]
Booth Size: 20' x 20' Islands
Modified ECO-4094
Sustainable Island Exhibit with Aluminum Extrusion Frames, (2) 8
ft. Double-sided Lightboxes, (1) 12 ft. Lightbox Tower, Monitor
Mounts, Shelf, and an ECO-42C Backlit Counter
Booth Size: 10' x 20' Displays
RENTAL: Modified /RE-2102 with
Storage Closet with Locking Door, Extrusion Canopy with Frosted
Acrylic Infill Panels, RE-1587
Reception Counter, RE-1575 Square
Pedestal, (2) LED Arm Lights, SEG Fabric Graphics for Backwall and
Reception Counter, Custom Dimensional RGB/LED Halo Logo Graphic,
and Vinyl Applied Pedestal Graphic.
Booth Size: 20' x 20' Islands
Sustainable Island Exhibit with LED Backlit Graphics, Backlit
ECO-42C Counter,
and Curved Header [56281]
Booth Size: 20' x 20' Islands
RENTAL: Includes RE-9096 Island
Design with (3) Double-Sided Lightboxes, Curved Bridged Headers,
Frosted Acrylic Accent Wings, and ECO-42C Reception
Counter with Lightbox, and Silicone Edge Fabric Graphics
Booth Size: Workstations, Kiosks & Bars
ecoSmart Sustainable ECO-42C Counter
includes Recycled Aluminum Extrusion Frame with LED Perimeter
Backlighting, SEG Backlit Fabric Graphic, Locking Storage and
Frosted Acrylic Stand Off Top [53971]
Booth Size: 20' x 20' Islands
RENTAL: RE-9096 Island
Design with (2) Front Double-Sided Lightboxes, and (1) Rear
Double-Sided Lightbox with Bridged Curved Extrusion Headers
In-Between. Also Includes Large Monitor Mount, Frosted Acrylic
Accent Wings, ECO-42C Backlit Counter,
and Silicone Edge Fabric Graphics.
Booth Size: 20' x 20' Islands
ecoSmart Modified ECO-4100
Sustainable Island Exhibit with ECO-42C Counter, Modified with
Recycled Aluminum Extrusion Frame with LED Perimeter Backlighting
and SEG Backlit Fabric Graphics, (4) Custom Storage Cabinets, 16
ft. Tower with Storage, and Recycled Aluminum Ring Header with
Fabric Graphic [52593]
Booth Size: 20' x 20' Islands
eSmart ECO-4100
Sustainable Island Exhibit with ECO-42C Counter, Fabric
Graphics, Storage Cabinets, 16 ft. Tower with Door, and Graphic
Fabric Header [50800]
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