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Booth Size: 10' x 20' Displays
RENTAL: Modified RE-2042 Inline Design with
Gravitee One-Step Panel System Backwall with Curved Panels, Storage
Closet with Locking Door, White Laminated Soffit, RE-1205
Large Curved Reception Counter with Black Laminated Top, RE-1228
Small Curved Counter with Black Laminated Top, SEG Fabric Graphics,
and Direct Print Sintra Graphics for Counters
Booth Size: 10' x 10' Displays
Modified GK-2002
Gravitee Inline Exhibit with Backlit Fabric Graphics, Locking
Storage Closet, Large Monitor Mount, MOD-1371
iPad Swivel Mount, and MOD-1267 Modular
Pedestal with Storage [57010]
Booth Size: 10' x 10' Displays
GK-2002 Hybrid
Trade Show Inline, Single/Double-sided Aluminum Frames, Large
Format Tension Fabric and Direct Print Graphics, (2) Hinge
Connectors, MOD-1430
Charging Coffee Table with Graphics, (3) Adjustable LED Stem
Lights, Large Monitor Mount [50221]
Booth Size: 10' x 20' Displays
GK-2002 Hybrid
Trade Show Inline Display, Single/Double-sided Aluminum Frames,
Large Format Tension Fabric and Direct Print Graphics, (4) Curved
Gravitee Panels, (3) Flat Gravitee Panels, MOD-1430
Charging Coffee Table with Graphics, (3) Adjustable LED Stem Lights
Booth Size: 10' x 20' Displays
Modified GK-2002
Gravitee One-Step Modular Inline with GOD-1560
Counter, MOD-1430
Charging Station, Tension Fabric Graphics, and Locking Storage
Booth Size: 10' x 20' Displays
Gravitee One-Step System Panels, Includes Storage Closet with
Locking Door, White Laminated Ceiling Soffit with, Large Monitor
Mount, (3) Arm Lights, Silicone Edge Fabric Graphics, Sintra Door
Graphic, and RE-702 Charging
Station with Vinyl Graphic
Booth Size: 10' x 20' Displays
with Storage Closet, (2) Large Monitor Mounts, (2) RE-502 Display
Cases, (3) Arm Lights, RE-702 Charging
Table, and Silicone Edge Fabric Graphics
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