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Booth Size: iPad and Surface Accessories
iPad Stand with Locking Swivel Clamshell and Graphics
Booth Size: 10' x 30' Displays
RENTAL: Modified RE-3006 Inline
Design with Storage Closet with Locking Door, (8) LED Arm Lights,
Backlit Reception Counter, (4) RE-1223 Workstation
Kiosks, (4) RE-1243
Rotating iPad Counter Stands, (4) White Laminated Shelves with
Extrusion Supports, (3) Monitor Mounts, (1) 55" Monitor, (2) 32"
Monitors, SEG Fabric Graphics, and Vinyl Applied Counter Graphics
Booth Size: Portable Counters and Pedestals
Portable Counter with Graphic and MOD-1329
iPad Swivel Mount with Locking Clamshell Tray [ORD-65881]
Booth Size: 10' x 20' Displays
Symphony Portable Display with SEG Fabric and Direct Print
Graphics, Backwall Workstation with Wireless Charging Pads,
Floating Graphics, MOD-1376 iPad Swivel Stand, and (2) SYM-406
Counters with Locking Storage [ORD-65895]
Booth Size: 10' x 20' Displays
Modified VK-2936 Hybrid
Exhibit with Fabric Graphics, Canopy, Backwall Workstation
Counters, MOD-1297 Counter with
Locking Storage, MOD-1353 iPad Stand, MOD-1318
iPad Clamshell Mounts on Backwall, and LED Stem Lights
Booth Size: 10' x 10' Displays
Modified SYK-1026
Symphony Portable Display with SEG Fabric Graphic, Backwall
Workstation with Graphic and Wireless Charging Pads, (4) Floating
Graphics, iPad Clamshell, SYM-407 Counter
with Locking Storage, and (2) LED Stem Lights [ORD-65411]
Booth Size: 20' x 20' Islands
RENTAL: Gravitee Panel System Storage Tower at 8 ft. Wide x 16
ft. High, with Front & Back Lightboxes with (2) Large Monitor
Mounts and (2) 70" Monitors, (3) 8 ft. Wide x 8 ft. High
Double-Sided Presentation Backwalls, (12) LED Arm Lights, (12)
White Laminated Counters with Recessed LED/RGB Lighting, RE-1587 Counter,
(3) RE-1243
Rotating iPad Counter Stands, RE-1576 White
Laminated Counter with Recessed LED/RGB Lighting, SEG Fabric
Graphics, and Vinyl Applied Graphics
Booth Size: 10' x 10' Displays
Hybrid Display with LT-132
Modular Counter, Monitor Mount, MOD-1329
iPad Swivel Mount, and MOD-1453
Charging Table with Accent Lights [ORD-64941]
Booth Size: 10' x 10' Displays
Symphony Portable Display with SYM-406 Counter
with Storage, Floating Graphic, Backwall Workstation with Wireless
Charging, MOD-1376 iPad Swivel Mount, and (2) LED Stem Lights
Booth Size: 10' x 10' Displays
(2) SYM-1005 Symphony Portable Displays with Backwall
Workstations, Wireless Charging Pads, LED Stem Lights, SEG
Graphics, and (4) MOD-1335 iPad Stands [ORD-61341]
Booth Size: Modular Counters and Pedestals
Modular Counteer with Wireless Charging Pad and Locking Storage,
iPad Swivel Mount with Locking Clamshell, and MOD-1458
Wireless Charging Table with LED Accents [59502]
Booth Size: 10' x 10' Displays
RENTAL: RE-1081 Design
with White Laminated Framed Lightbox, Canopy Structure, Small White
Laminated Workstation Counter, Planter Box, Storage Box, RE-704 Charging
Station Table, Monitor Mount, RE-1243
iPad Counter Stand, SEG Fabric Graphics, and Vinyl Applied
Booth Size: iPad and Surface Accessories
(12) MOD-1336 iPad
Kiosks with Locking Clamshell, Swivel Mount, and Halo and Wing
Graphics [ORD-60071]
Booth Size: 10' x 10' Displays
Portable Symphony Display with Peak Frame, Backwall Workstation
Counter with Wireless Charging Pad, Monitor Mount, MOD-1376 iPad
Swivel Mount, Floating Graphic, and SYM-406
Booth Size: Modular Counters and Pedestals
(2) LTK-1016
Counters with Locking Storage and (2) Custom LTK-1016 Counters with
Swivel iPad Clamshell, (1) Wireless Charging Pad, and (1) Grommet
Booth Size: iPad and Surface Accessories
iPad Stand with Locking Swivel Clamshell, ZB-221 Literature
Trays, and Double-sided Graphic [ORD-60266]
Booth Size: 10' x 20' Displays
Modified SYK-2024
Symphony Portable Display with SEG Fabric Graphics, Floating
Graphics, SYM-411 Open
Counter, Monitor Mount, and (2) MOD-1369 iPad
Stands [60275]
Booth Size: 10' x 10' Displays
Symphony Portable Display with SEG Fabric Graphic, Workstation
Counter, SYM-407 Counter
with Locking Storage, Floating Graphic, and iPad Swivel Mount
Booth Size: Modular Counters and Pedestals
Counter with Locking Storage, MOD-1371
iPad Stand with Swivel, and MOD-1458
Charging Table with Wireless Charging Pads and LED Accent Lights
Booth Size: 10' x 10' Displays
Symphony Portable Display with SEG Fabric Graphics, Backwall
Workstation with Wireless Charging Pads, SYM-406 Counter
with Graphics and Locking Storage, and Floating Graphic. Plus,
Monitor Mount, (2) LED Stem Lights, and iPad Clamshell Mount (all
not shown) [58700]
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